Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Torture: The act of inflicting pain to a person or animal both physical and psychological
Through out time torture has been used to get information out of people or as a form of punishment. It was sanctioned in some states of the united states in the past.  Forms of torture were very severe or just enough to get what the person torturing gets what they want. It was also a form of discipline.Today it is banned and against the human rights act, which also applies to not doing it to captured people in armed conflicts.
Some people believe that we should still use torture as a form of interrogation so that we can get information out of people that could possible help save peoples lives( The CIA had been doing it until Barack Obama had released the Bush administration's justice department memoranda - which was justifying so called "enhanced interrogation techniques). While others believe that it is just to inhuman  and it goes against everything that is right and should not ever even be thought of as a last resort.

                                                  Assignment: write a short essay(125 words) on why we should or shouldn't continue water boarding

Wast to Jet Fuel

In the UK there is an idea that they have that involves British Airways that will have them using Fuel made from landfill wast. The fuel will be produced at a new facility located at Thames Enterprise Park in Thurrock, Essex. This site was most likely chosen because it was once an oil refinery. It will be the first place on earth that will turn landfill waste into jet fuel. Construction will start in 2015 and is said to be completed in 2017.
The British Airways has committed to buying the 50,000 Tons of airline grade fuel that is produced from the land fill waste. The facility is to give a near 150 skilled people permanent jobs for the foreseeable future. Although air transportation is only 2% of CO2 admissions that little change in it could be a deciding factor for the future.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Gravity light

The gravity light is a device that generates electricity from gravity, Lifting up the weight would only take a few seconds and it power the gravity light for 25 minutes of continues light while the weight descended.  The gravity light has no running cost and it does not have any emissions, it can be used over and over again.  The gravity light is mainly distributed by charities and by people who want to help people in third world countries.  It doesn’t have much of a government back up to help with it.

The Gravity light does not have emissions because it is powered by the kinetic energy that is created by all of the gears on the inside that are moving from the weight that was lifted by human force. For the time being there is only one model that is not a prototype. The gravity light is a decentralized because it creates and uses its own energy. If people use the light it can get used over and over again and it made from recycled materials 

Gravity Light

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

1994 North ridge Earthquake Northridge earthquake happened in California on January 17, 1994. Although the earthquake had only lasted for 10-20 it had a magnitude of 6.7. Though that 6.7 may not seem so high it was the highest recorded in urban area in North America.  But what really separated this one from the rest of the earthquakes was the two aftershocks, one which was just about a minute after word and the other about 11 house after both of which had a magnitude of 6.0. The after damage was, death toll was 57, over 5,000 injured, and along with property damage was to be more than $20 billion. With that much property damage it made it one of the most expensive natural disasters in U.S. history.

Monday, October 20, 2014


In China a company named Win Sun Decoration Design and Engineering built ten 3D-printed homes which were made in under a day with each house costing just under $5,000. The homes, printed in ready build panels which fit together on site. That was created by using Win Sun’s custom-built 3D printer, which is 10 meters by 6.6 meters, and took the company twelve years to build. Made with cement type of material, along with having construction waste and other things like fiber glass.
Even Though now the houses that have been build are simple, The Company is still thinking about the future and is aiming for one day to use this technology to build a skyscraper.  And that with this type construction there would be less waste and we would be able to recycle old waste so it does not affect the environment. But there is a slightly bad side like that people who would normally do this type of work would probably be out of the job because they would no longer be need to build the frames or set up the support because they would already be built into the homes and or buildings