Monday, October 20, 2014


In China a company named Win Sun Decoration Design and Engineering built ten 3D-printed homes which were made in under a day with each house costing just under $5,000. The homes, printed in ready build panels which fit together on site. That was created by using Win Sun’s custom-built 3D printer, which is 10 meters by 6.6 meters, and took the company twelve years to build. Made with cement type of material, along with having construction waste and other things like fiber glass.
Even Though now the houses that have been build are simple, The Company is still thinking about the future and is aiming for one day to use this technology to build a skyscraper.  And that with this type construction there would be less waste and we would be able to recycle old waste so it does not affect the environment. But there is a slightly bad side like that people who would normally do this type of work would probably be out of the job because they would no longer be need to build the frames or set up the support because they would already be built into the homes and or buildings

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