Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wast to Jet Fuel

In the UK there is an idea that they have that involves British Airways that will have them using Fuel made from landfill wast. The fuel will be produced at a new facility located at Thames Enterprise Park in Thurrock, Essex. This site was most likely chosen because it was once an oil refinery. It will be the first place on earth that will turn landfill waste into jet fuel. Construction will start in 2015 and is said to be completed in 2017.
The British Airways has committed to buying the 50,000 Tons of airline grade fuel that is produced from the land fill waste. The facility is to give a near 150 skilled people permanent jobs for the foreseeable future. Although air transportation is only 2% of CO2 admissions that little change in it could be a deciding factor for the future.

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