Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Torture: The act of inflicting pain to a person or animal both physical and psychological
Through out time torture has been used to get information out of people or as a form of punishment. It was sanctioned in some states of the united states in the past.  Forms of torture were very severe or just enough to get what the person torturing gets what they want. It was also a form of discipline.Today it is banned and against the human rights act, which also applies to not doing it to captured people in armed conflicts.
Some people believe that we should still use torture as a form of interrogation so that we can get information out of people that could possible help save peoples lives( The CIA had been doing it until Barack Obama had released the Bush administration's justice department memoranda - which was justifying so called "enhanced interrogation techniques). While others believe that it is just to inhuman  and it goes against everything that is right and should not ever even be thought of as a last resort.

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